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The man behind the magic:
Leo M. Bergman

Leo M. Bergman is the pioneer in the development of water-compatible Oil colors, a non-toxic replacement for turpentine that is non-flammable, and non-combustable.

Leo also developed Airbrush paints for commercial artists that are recognized as the brand that has set the standard for all airbrush paints currently used.

The flexible paint for latex and foam rubber Leo developed, is used extensively as prostethic makeup in the animated film industry.

His custom formula for leather paints have proven their prermanence. For the past eight years, his paints have been used for masks and as substitutes for armor in theatrical productions.

Modern chemistry is what makes it possible now to use materials that were not available years ago. Requests are invited from interested industries for the development of custom products.

All the products are waterbase only, lead-free materials, and comply with ASTM 4236.

Our chemist-designed watercolors do not use Gum-Arabic, a cost-sensitive commodity, produced in a country that is in politcal turmoil, and cannot supply this material on demand.

Leo has also turned his amazing watercolor formula into a solid formula, and can be used like Caran 'Dache Crayons', but are softer and do not streak when solubelized. Chips dissolved in water are used as watercolors. Only the finest pigments are used.

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